VA Compensation for Loss of Reproductive Organs

There are still some dilemmas about what constitutes a loss of one’s reproductive organs. But overall, it means either losing one of those organs or their functionalities. It is a severe issue in the life of a veteran, as it may affect their emotional health in many ways. Besides, it may also harm their physical health and social life.

If a veteran lost a reproductive organ due to any service-connected injury or disability, they can get both the monthly compensation and the SMC from the VA. All they have to do is establish a service connection.

You can scrutinize the matter in this article and find what you need to do as a veteran with these conditions.

What Does the Loss of Reproductive Organ Mean?

Often, certain injuries or illnesses that a veteran got from their service may require them to remove one or more of their reproductive organ surgically. In that case, you can call it the loss of reproductive organs. However, that is not the only case where you can use this title.

The veteran may also have any disease or damage in the organs that make them lose their functionality totally or partially. As a result, the patient can’t use it as they want. The medical world also counts it as the loss of reproductive organs.

So, the VA rates them similarly. It is similar to when the VA is rating a condition for the loss of a limb and counts any amputation as part of it.

Reproductive organs can be the testicles, penis, vagina, uterus, or ovaries, so the condition can affect people of any gender. There was a case in 2021 where a veteran appealed to the US Court of Appeals Veterans Claims asking for SMC for the loss of reproductive organs.

He had hepatitis C but neither lost any reproductive organs nor their functionality. According to him, since he had to use a condom to prevent the spread of hepatitis C, he can’t reproduce, and so he deserves SMC for it.

However, none of the laws regarding SMC (38 C.F.R. §3.350 and 38 U.S.C. §1114(k)) supported his claim. The veteran also couldn’t provide enough evidence to back up his statement. As such, even though the court was open for another day, the claimant failed to get what he wanted.

How Can One Lost a Reproductive Organ?

A veteran may lose a reproductive organ in various methods. Some common causes are as follows-

  • Injury: Having any traumatic injury or damage to the reproductive organ may result in a requirement to remove the affected parts. It is so to avoid infection. Not doing so may also make it mandatory to remove more organs in the future.
  • Illness: Similar to injury, any disease that the veteran caught during their service can severely affect their reproductive organ. Damage or illness may also cause the affected organs to lose their functionality.
  • Nerve Damage: There can be various ways a veteran receives nerve damage in the line of duty. It can lead to the inability to use specific organs as they please. For example, penis nerve damage may lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Specific Medication: Some medicines may also cause damage to the functionality of the reproductive organs. The veteran may require this medicine to cure some other condition.
  • Exposure to Toxic Substances: Hazardous substances, such as Agent Orange, burn pit, or radioactive waves during service may also adversely impact the reproductive organs. There are presumptive disabilities regarding these, where you can get PACT Act services.

How VA Rates Different Types of Lose of Reproductive Organs

Let’s have a look at how the VA rates the loss of different reproductive organs.

Erectile Dysfunction VA Rating

Erectile dysfunction means the loss of one’s penis or testicles or losing their functionalities. It can be because of any medication, nerve damage, or deformity. You can get a VA’s rating and SMC for this disability if it is service-connected. The criteria for VA rating for erectile dysfunction are as follows-

30% Rating (Permanent):

  • If at least half or more of the penis had to be removed by a doctor.
  • If both the testicles had to be removed.

20% Rating:

  • If the glans had to be removed by a doctor. The rating will be permanent.
  • If the veteran has a deformity, it enables them to get an erection.
  • If the veteran has atrophied testicles (shrinking of the testicles because of injury, infection, etc.)

0% Rating:

If the erectile dysfunction has other reasons than the ones we mentioned above.

Diagnostic Code: 7520

VA Rating for Disabilities Related to the Ovary

There are different conditions of the ovary. VA rates all such disabilities together if they don’t require hysterectomy as part of their treatment. These disabilities may be the result of some injury or disease, such as dysmenorrhea or vaginal yeast infection. VA’s rating for them are as follows-

30% Rating:

If the symptoms of the conditions cannot be controlled by treatment.

10% Rating:

If the symptoms of the conditions can be controlled by continuous treatment.

0% Rating:

If the symptoms of the conditions don’t need any continuous treatment.

Diagnostic Code: 7615

Hysterectomy VA Rating

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that a person may have to undergo. It is a treatment for an array of different conditions, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. The operation may either remove the uterus or part of it, including the ovaries. It is usually harmless.

However, there may seldom be cases where the person has a negative reaction to anesthesia or may get infections, or urinary tract, or rectum damage. But again, they are scarce. Anyway, the VA rating for hysterectomy is-

100% Rating:

The veteran will receive a payment of 100% for the first three months after the hysterectomy.

50% Rating (Permanent):

If the veteran lost both the ovaries and the uterus during hysterectomy.

30% Rating:

If the veteran still has the ovaries following the hysterectomy procedure, and they are functional.

20% Rating:

If the veteran still has the ovaries, but they are non-functional.

Diagnostic Code: 7618

Understanding SMC

The Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) is a benefit from the VA for veterans with special conditions. For example, someone with a traumatic brain injury may get the SMC. While SMC differs from the regular monthly payment, most categories from the former replace the latter.

The only exception is the SMC-K, where you can get both SMC and regular monthly payments. Luckily, SMC-K is for veterans with the loss of a limb, including reproductive organs. The payment rates for SMC are specific and don’t follow any rating. For example, the payment for SMC-K in 2023 is $128.62.

Since SMC is separate from the usual monthly benefits, you can get SMC-K even when you have a 0% rating.

Is It Difficult to Establish Service Connection for Lose of Reproductive Organ?

It is not that complex to prove your loss of reproductive organs to be service-connected. It is so because you may have already received treatment for the underlying cause of such conditions during your service. So, you probably have that treatment record or can collect it.

Since most loss of reproductive organs happens following a surgery, it also won’t be tricky to gather your medical report, diagnosis paper, and other related documents. You may also get your private doctor to write a nexus letter for you. A buddy statement will also come in handy in this case.

Finally, if your reproductive organ was injured or developed any disabilities because of exposure to hazardous substances, you can report it under the presumptive condition. Doing so will save you from providing any service connection. You still will have to submit some documents, though.

Final Note

Losing a reproductive organ is not a simple matter, and receiving money or healthcare for the condition may not make up for what you lost. However, you should still fight for the monthly payment and SMC benefits you deserve.

If you are still unsure about the VA rating and compensation you may receive for your loss of reproductive organs, VA Disability Coach can help. Also, gather your military treatment records and hand them to your doctor to help them write a strong and effective nexus letter for your disability.