Chronic Pain VA Disability – Rating and TDIU

Chronic pain is more common among veterans than the general population. This is a serious condition that not only affects you physically but also causes mental health problems, and many often succumb to drug abuse to deal with such hardships.

If you are a veteran suffering from chronic pain, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the VA. However, your condition must be service-connected. 

In this guide, we will be talking about chronic pain and the disability benefits provided by the US Department of Veterans Affairs for the condition. By the end, you will know the compensation you may get and also about TDIU benefits for chronic pain.

Chronic Pain

Pain that lingers for over three months is considered chronic, and it does not matter if the pain is consistent or irregular. While chronic pain may affect any part of your body, it mostly presents itself on the back. 

One of the unique facts about chronic pain is that, in many instances, it’s impossible to find the cause of the pain. Sometimes, conditions like cancer or arthritis can cause chronic pain, while other times, there are no obvious reasons.

Having chronic pain will likely result in a diagnosis of chronic pain syndrome, and as we have mentioned before, VA research shows that chronic pain is more common in veterans than the general population. 

Service Connection for Chronic Pain

If you are a veteran who has been suffering from chronic pain, you will be able to get monthly disability compensation from the VA when the condition is service-connected. “Service connection” refers to the link between your disability and your time in the service. For example, suppose you have suffered from a head injury during your service and then got diagnosed with migraines – in this case, it is highly likely that your migraines are connected to your service, and you will be able to get disability benefits for the condition. 

Here are all the ways your chronic pain could be service-connected –

  • Signs of your chronic pain could have started during your service. In this case, anything related to the disorder may have been documented, which can help you establish a service connection.
  • If your chronic pain existed before joining the military, a service connection could still be built based on the merit that the condition has worsened by your service. In this case, the frequency of doctor visits, treatments, and buddy statements can be valuable. 
  • When the chronic pain emerges after your service, you could link back to any event or injury that may have been a likely cause of this condition. 

VA Disability Rating for Chronic Pain

There is no specific diagnostic code for chronic pain. As a result, the VA will decide your monetary benefits based on the severity of your condition and how it has affected your daily life. 

In many cases, chronic pain can be a secondary condition to issues like arthritis or cancer. In such instances, the VA will assign ratings to both disorders and then conclude on a combined rating.

Similarly, other conditions may be secondary to chronic pain as it often leads to mental disorders such as depression. You will receive a combined rating for this case as well.

TDIU for Chronic Pain

Total disability based on individual unemployability (TDIU) is a program by the VA where they assign a 100% disability rating for veterans who cannot get gainful employment because of their condition. If you are unable to work for chronic pain, you may be qualified for TDIU, which results in the same compensation of a 100% disability rating – more specifically, $3,621.95 per month for veterans without dependents. 

How Does Fibromyalgia VA Rating Compare to Chronic Pain VA Disability Rating?

The comparison between fibromyalgia and va disability rating for chronic pain is a pertinent topic among veterans. Understanding the differences and similarities can help veterans determine their eligibility for benefits.

While fibromyalgia is often rated based on the severity of its symptoms, the VA evaluates chronic pain disabilities considering functional limitations and their impact on daily activities.

Therefore, it is important for veterans with fibromyalgia to gather proper medical evidence and documentation to support their claim for a VA disability rating.

Final Words

The increased likelihood of veterans suffering from chronic pain means that their time in the service has a connection to it. If you are one of them and are finding it hard to go through all the documents and claiming process, you could seek help! Experts at VA Disability Coach assist veterans in need to ensure they get the best possible outcome.