The Ultimate Guide to VA Migraine Claims

A migraine is a terrible type of headache that can affect your day-to-day life. As reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans are more likely to develop migraines compared to the regular population.  After finding the links between veterans and chronic migraine diseases, it is evident that VA Disability Benefits apply to such issues.

In this article, we will examine eligibility for a VA migraine claim and the entire process related to it. Read through before applying for a migraine claim to ensure that your filing will not be denied!


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Eligibility for VA Migraine Claim

Sadly, a lot of veterans get their migraine claims denied when they are unable to provide essential information.

Many people do not meet the eligibility criteria, while others fail to prove that their migraines resulted from their time in service.

To be eligible for VA Migraine Claim, you need to –

  • Prove that your migraines are caused by your time in service.
  • Prove that being in service worsened your migraine’s natural progression.
  • Prove that any injury or illness caused by your time in service is causing your migraine.

Filing a VA Migraine Claim

You can file a VA disability claim for migraines through an online application, send a claim through the mail, or do it in person via a VA regional office. We will go through all three options here!

Filing a VA Migraine Claim

Online Application

You can easily apply for migraine claims online on VA’s official page. Click the link and click on ‘Sign in’ to start your application process.


  • Print out the VA Form 21-526EZ.
  • Fill it out with the correct information.
  • Send it to the Department of Veterans Affairs, Claims Intake Center, PO Box 4444, Janesville, WI 53547-4444

In Person

Go to a VA regional office in your area, and they will provide you with information and the form to apply for a migraine claim.

Supporting Documents Needed for VA Migraine Claim

The following documents can help you out in getting the VA Migraine Claim without too much hassle:

  • Medical Records: These records could be from VA or private hospitals that prove the existence of your migraine or that your condition has worsened compared to the past.
  • Employment Records: These records are helpful in showing the days you have missed work due to your condition.
  • Statements from Family, Friends, or Coworkers: People nearby who see you get affected by migraine can provide statements to the VA to further help you get the migraine claim.

Proving Service Connection for a Migraine Claim

As said before, you can only get a disability claim for a migraine if events from your service time cause the condition. That’s why proving a service connection for a migraine claim to the VA is essential.

You can prove this connection by getting a Nexus Statement from a doctor stating that your migraine has resulted from your time in service.

How to Increase Your Chances of Success in Migraine Claim?

Migraine claims only let you receive percentages up to a 50% VA Disability rating, Many veterans fail to get it and end up receiving a lower rating. However, you can increase your chances of avoiding a denial for a migraine claim with the following strategy:

  1. Provide Helpful Medical Documents: Get your old medical records or see a doctor to get new ones that can prove the existence of migraine and service-connect them.
  2. Fill Up a DBQ for Migraines: Get a qualified doctor to fill up a VA Form 21-0960C-8 that proves the severity of your migraines.
  3. Have Credible Third-Party Sources: Get letters from credible third-party sources like military officials to provide further proof of your situation.
  4. Get properly coached:  Obtaining an Eligibility Review with so you have a plan and personalized approach to obtaining the highest ratings possible.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in a Migraine Claim

A lot of veterans get their migraine claims denied or don’t receive a 50% rating for several factors. Here are some common mistakes you should avoid when applying for a migraine claim:

  1. Not Providing All Relevant Medical Records: Anything that can prove the severity of your migraines and service-connect them is essential for a migraine claim. Take your time to collect relevant medical records before applying.
  2. Not Getting a Proper Diagnosis: You know that your condition is having a bad effect on your daily life. However, you need to prove it to VA to get your benefits. Therefore, if you haven’t seen a doctor yet, it’s time you do so before filing your claim.
  3. Stopping After Getting Denied: Sadly, a lot of veterans get denied and stop trying. It shouldn’t stop you! This is where VA Disability Coach ( can assist you in the process of fighting a migraine Claim Rating Criteria

VA uses diagnostic code 8100 to give migraines a 0% to 50% rating. The higher your rating, the more benefits you get. Here’s a table explaining what specific VA Ratings mean for migraines:

VA Rating for MigraineWhat It Means
0%You do not experience frequent migraine attacks.
10%You experience prostrating migraine attacks once every two months.
30%You experience prostrating migraine attacks once every month.
50%You experience prostrating migraine attacks frequently that result in economic inadaptability.

At a 50% VA Rating for migraines, you are facing severe migraine attacks that hamper your ability to work. Note that it does not mean that you have to be employed to get a 50% rating. You just need to prove your inability to work in a regular job due to migraines.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common rating for a VA Migraine Claim?

10 to 30% is the most common rating veterans get when they apply for a disability claim due to migraines.

Can you receive VA compensation for migraines that started after service?

If you can prove that the migraine is related to secondary conditions or connect it to your time in service, you will be able to get benefits from VA.

How long does it take for a VA Migraine Claim to be processed?

On average, it takes about 118.3 days for VA to make a decision.

Can you claim both TDIU and VA Migraine Claim at the same time?

Yes, it’s possible to get both claims at the same time.

Can a VA Migraine Claim be re-opened after being denied?

Yes, you can always apply for a claim again with better evidence.

Is it possible to receive a 100% rating for a VA Migraine Claim?

VA disability claims for migraines only allow up to 50% rating.

How important is the VA Nexus Letter for a Migraine Claim?

It is very important as the statement helps VA to understand the service connection of your migraine.

Final Note

VA Disability Coach ( is your pathway to success.  Being properly coached, exploring your eligibility, and approaching your claim with a precise report and wording can make all the difference you need for a successful claim.