Why should I use your service when I can get free services through my local VFW or VSO?

​”Good advice ain’t free and free advice ain’t good.”  

Upfront costs can always be a deterrent, but missing out on medical care and compensation for years comes with a much larger cost.  Payments lost will exceed any one time payment for sound advice to streamline the process.  Outside sources collect on back dated claims taking on average 20% to  25% of your money for years.  This could lead to thousands of dollars lost and delayed healthcare assistance.  Our eligibility fee is minimal for the review and we don’t collect anything further for any future or past payments you may receive.  One and done.


Why would I use your service instead of going through an attorney?

Outside sources collect on back dated claims taking on average 20% to  25% of your money for years.  This could lead to thousands of dollars lost and delayed healthcare assistance.  Our eligibility fee is minimal for the review and we don’t collect anything further for any future or past payments you may receive.  One and done.


How much does an evaluation cost?

We charge a one time fee of $495.


What is the difference between an initial and a secondary record review?

An initial review is typically the first time you’ve submitted a claim or for a new complaint that has not yet been rated by the VA. A secondary claim would be potential health concerns that would arise as a result of your direct service-connected diagnosis. With secondary claims, we can review the progression of the injury and help you find eligible additional issues or compensatory injuries that may affect your current rating.


What kind of information should I upload into the portal?

The more information you are able to provide us, the more we can potentially assist you in identifying claims.

These can include:
1. DD-214
2. Service treatment records during your time of service
3. VA medical records
4. Outside health records that were created from outside hospitals
or clinics that you sought care
5. Radiology reports of your health concern
6. Lists of medications you currently take


I have XYZ health concern, I never reported it because we were told to just suck it up and now I have no records to support my claim, what can be done?

I have XYZ health concern, I never reported it because we were told to just suck it up and now I have no records to support my claim, what can be done?

You served your Country and your assigned job was hard on the body. All the rucking and carrying of heavy gear took a toll on your body but there either was no time to report your injury or you were told to suck it up and keep moving. While we do everything possible to identify potential claims in your treatment records, there will be instances where your health records do not reflect a nexus(initial cause) of your current health concern.

There are times when your claim can be categorized as a “Presumptive diagnosis”, meaning that if you were at a certain place, at a certain time, your claim will be accepted or if you were involved in direct combat, the threshold for proving the injury occurred during service is far lower. If your claim does not fall under one of those options and your records do not support your claim, you may have to seek the guidance of an attorney for further assistance.

I’ve received my packet, now what do I do with it?

It is recommended that you review your report thoroughly and match up your identified potential claims to the service treatment records we included to support your claim. Be familiar with how your claims are supported. If any of the medical issues listed in the report meet the basic requirements for disability compensation we suggest you present your claim to the VA.

This can be accomplished by logging on to the Veteran Administrations website at VA.GOV and clicking on “File a disability claim online”. You can also contact the VA and they can refer you to a Veteran Services Officer to help you with the submissions with no fee to you. The packet is user friendly and takes out the guesswork. No wasted time on ineligible issues or convoluted claims.

I received my final evaluation packet and I have questions

Please review the FAQs for answers to most questions. If you still have questions or concerns, please contact us here.

I received my final evaluation packet and I have health concerns that you didn’t list

Our goal is to identify medical issues that meet the requirements of the VA to establish a service connection. You can claim every diagnosable medical issue known if you want.

As trained and experienced VA disability medical evaluators, we see time and time again where Veterans will work with a free service, they will claim 20 different issues and “Throw them all against the wall in hopes that some will stick”. While this strategy can work, as an evaluator, it is a lot of fluff to sift through, you would be diluting your claim and decreasing your chances of getting truly valid issues inadvertently denied.

I submitted the claims that you recommended and it was denied

We strive to identify claims that we believe are well supported by your records and meet the requirements of the VA to establish a service connection. One of the most common reasons for a claim to be denied is due to how the submitted claim is worded in the requested medical opinion. While we cannot assist you on how to word your claims, below are a few points of advice.

A direct service claim is just that, directly service-connected. If you tripped and fell in a ditch while rucking and injured your knee, that would be a direct service connection and should be submitted as such.

A secondary service connection is “secondary” to a direct service-connected issue. So if your service-connected diabetes has contributed to problems with your kidneys, that would be submitted secondary to your diabetes.

Is my health information safe?

Yes. Our online portal boasts enterprise-level data security that is HIPAA compliant.

Who is reviewing or has access to my records and creating my report?

Only the employed evaluator assigned to your case has access to your records and can only be viewed online to protect your information further.

What do you do with my health information after the review?

After a thorough review of your uploaded information and your report has been issued, your information will be deleted from our system to protect your information


I want to help Veterans, are you hiring?

Yes, we are!

Currently, we are looking for experienced healthcare providers with a background in VA claims evaluations, and military, police, or fire service experience, who are interested in working in a flexible and remote work environment and want to assist Veterans. Contact us for more information and to see if we would be the right fit for our team.

At this time we are building a network of providers to represent their perspective metro areas.