Understanding the Importance of a Nexus Letter for Your VA Migraine Claim

A Nexus Letter can be the gateway for you to get your VA disability benefits, especially for a migraine claim!

This report can help you establish a connection between your migraine attacks with your time in service.

Moreover, if you got denied on your first application for a migraine claim, a Nexus Letter can be one of the best records to provide on your appeal.

This article will explain the definition and importance of a Nexus Letter for veterans. In addition, you will learn how to use a Nexus Letter to get your disability claim for migraines.


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What is a Nexus Letter?

A Nexus Letter is medical evidence that helps the VA connect a veteran’s current disability to their time in service. In short, it is called “service connecting” a disability claim.

The importance of showing a Nexus Letter is higher for a migraine claim because it is one of the more complicated conditions to diagnose. Moreover, it has more complications when you need to service-connect migraines.

That’s why a Nexus Letter becomes one of the primary records to show the VA when you are applying for a disability claim for headaches and migraines.

Note that having a Nexus doesn’t mean that you can guarantee your claim. The letter has to be provided by a licensed medical professional who has prior experience in creating Nexus statements.

Eligibility for VA Migraine Claim

As a veteran, if you are experiencing frequent migraines that hamper your daily life and suspect that it is linked to your time in service or any other service-connected condition, you may be suitable for getting a migraine claim.

Criteria for VA Migraine Claim

  • Getting diagnosed with migraines
  • Service-connecting the migraine with one or more events during service or making a secondary connection to an existing service-connected disability
  • Experiencing frequent prostrating migraine attacks

Evidence Needed to Prove Eligibility

You may need a few of the following types of evidence and records to get your disability benefit from the VA:

  • Medical records that not only prove the existence of your migraines but also describe the severity and frequency of the condition
  • A Nexus Letter that helps service-connect your migraines
  • Statements from friends and family describing the migraine attacks you face
  • Employment records showing your inability to work regularly due to prostrating migraines (if applicable)
  • Statements from co-workers describing the effects of your migraines at work
  • Evidence that establishes service connection, such as records of injuries during your time in service
  • Statements from fellow service members who can help service-connect your migraines

Common Reasons for Denial

A lot of application for a migraine claim gets denied or receives a lower rating than what is expected. This occurs if you fail to provide the evidence mentioned above to the VA or give them records with conflicting statements. Moreover, another reason for denial would be missing the medical exam assigned to you by the VA.

Importance of Nexus Letter for VA Migraine Claim

If your migraine attacks were diagnosed during your service and it’s in your Service Treatment Records, then you do not need a Nexus Letter to prove service connection since there is already enough evidence.

However, you will need a Nexus Letter for the following situations:

  1. Your migraine attacks were not diagnosed during your time in service
  2. Your migraines appeared after your service from a service-connected existing disability such as PTSD
  3. You previously were denied on your migraine claim for failing to prove that your migraine attacks are service-related

How a Nexus Letter Can Strengthen Your VA Migraine Claim

While a Nexus Letter cannot guarantee you disability benefits for migraines, it can help make your migraine claim stronger.

Here are some of the ways a Nexus statement can help you get your migraine claim:

  • Establishing a direct service connection to your migraine
  • Detailing the severity and frequency of your migraine attacks
  • Explaining inconsistencies in other documents

Nexus Letter Components

A Nexus Letter should include the veteran’s information (name, SS number), the medical professional’s credentials, and a detailed statement about the condition and how it is connected to the veteran’s time in service. This is an example of a Nexus Letter.

Nexus Letter Process for VA Migraine Claim

As a veteran looking to acquire disability benefits, you have to get a Nexus Letter yourself. While it may sound like a long and dragging process, it’s really not! You can do it by following these steps:

1.   Seek a Medical Professional

You need to look for doctors, physicians, or other medical personnel who have experience writing Nexus Letters for veterans. Professionals with an understanding of the VA disability claim process can provide you with a well-written Nexus statement.

2.   Provide the Professional with the Necessary Information

The doctor will ask you about your previous medical history and information regarding your time in service to establish a connection between your migraine attacks and your service.

That’s mostly it! If everything checks out and the doctor can service-connect your migraines, you can receive your Nexus Letter. Make sure that the letter includes all relevant information so that the VA does not have a lot of grounds to deny your application.

Finding the Right Medical Professional for a Nexus Letter

The success of a Nexus Letter can depend on the medical professional who you got the statement from. Here are the things you need to look for when selecting the right doctor or medical personnel to write your Nexus Letter:

Look for a Specialist instead of a GP

For migraines, you should seek a neurologist as their opinion will be much more favored by the VA compared to a general practitioner. In addition, ensure that the specialist is experienced in providing Nexus Letters for veterans.

Experience and Reputation Are Valued

A statement from a reputed specialist can be even more helpful, especially when they are known by the VA to be an authentic source. While you may need to spend more to have an appointment with such professionals, it can be worth it in the end.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even after providing the VA with a Nexus Letter, many veterans still get denied their disability claim. If you want to ensure this does not happen to you on your migraine claim, avoid these mistakes when getting a Nexus statement:

  • Getting the Nexus Letter from a doctor who lacks experience in writing such statements
  • Not providing enough information on the Nexus Letter
  • Getting the letter from inexperience medical professionals

The Nexus Letter Appeal Process

  • What to do if your Nexus Letter is denied or not accepted by the VA
  • The appeal process for Nexus Letters
  • Additional evidence needed to support a Nexus Letter appeal

Got your migraine claim denied by the VA? First, you have to understand the reason behind the VA’s decision.

Check your VA rating decision letter and check the reason for denial. If it’s related to your Nexus Letter, you can appeal the decision by:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of a Nexus Letter for a VA Migraine Claim?

Since a migraine claim can be hard to connect with your time in service, it can often require a Nexus Letter.

How can a Nexus Letter support a VA Migraine Claim?

A Nexus Letter builds a connection between your migraine attacks and your service. Therefore, it makes it more likely for you to get disability benefits.

Who can provide a Nexus Letter for a VA Migraine Claim?

Any licensed physician can provide a Nexus Letter for your VA migraine claim.

How do I submit a Nexus Letter with my VA Migraine Claim?

You can submit it online through VA’s official website, via mail, or in person.

Can a Nexus Letter be used for other VA disability claims besides migraines?

Yes, a Nexus Letter can be helpful to service-connect many disabilities other than migraines.


If you need more help with your VA disability claim for migraines or a Nexus Letter, you can contact VA Disability Coach. Remember that proper records are necessary to ensure success and get the highest VA rating.