Fibromyalgia VA Rating – Musculoskeletal Pain

If you suffer from service-connected Fibromyalgia as a veteran, you may be eligible for up to a 40% disability rating from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. 

Fibromyalgia, according to NIH, is a condition that causes tenderness and pain throughout the body, accompanied by fatigue and trouble sleeping. In the past, there were still doubts that Fibromyalgia was real.  Even though the existence of this disorder has been confirmed, its causes remain unknown. 

A study conducted among the veterans who were deployed in the Gulf War between 1990 and 1991 faced an increased risk for Fibromyalgia. Those veterans do not have to prove service connection to get their disability benefits.

This guide will help you understand the disability ratings available for Fibromyalgia and how you could qualify for these benefits. Moreover, we will also discuss how Gulf War veterans may have an easy time getting their ratings.

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disease that alters how your brain and spinal cord interpret pain signals from your central nervous system. This causes extensive and unexplainable pain throughout your body. The pain might be minor to severe and can be caused by the smallest contact. 

Furthermore, this disease can cause pain to stay longer than normal, even from small traumas such as bumping your head or twisting your ankle.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia 

The primary symptom of Fibromyalgia is when you experience pain in these parts of your body –

  • Neck
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Hips

These are called “trigger points” when diagnosing the disease. 

Along with this primary symptom, there could be more signs of Fibromyalgia, including –

  • Fatigue
  • Dry eyes
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Itching
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Rash
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Trouble paying attention

VA Rating for Fibromyalgia

The VA uses diagnostic code 5025 to rate Fibromyalgia, and you may get up to a 40% disability rating for this condition. These ratings depend on the severity of the symptoms and how they respond to therapy. Here are all the available ratings –

  • 10% Rating: A 10% disability rating is assigned when your Fibromyalgia can be under control with continuous medication.
  • 20% Rating: If your Fibromyalgia symptoms come and go, with episodes caused by factors like stress or overexertion, and these episodes happen more than one-third of the time, you may obtain a 20% rating.
  • 40% Rating: This is the highest rating available for Fibromyalgia, which is given if your condition does not improve with therapy and is constant.

Fibromyalgia as a Presumptive Condition

The VA has set precise guidelines recognizing fibromyalgia as a presumed diagnosis for Gulf War Veterans. This means that Gulf War Veterans who develop fibromyalgia are not required to demonstrate a clear link between the condition and their military service in order to receive VA disability benefits. The following are the main factors for Gulf War Veterans searching for fibromyalgia compensation:

  • Fibromyalgia must have appeared while on active duty in the Southwest Asia theater of military operations or before December 31, 2026. This implies that if you served in this zone during the Gulf War or any subsequent deployments and got fibromyalgia, you may be entitled to compensation.
  • To be eligible for compensation, your fibromyalgia must have at least a 10% rating, according to the VA’s disability classification system.

Gulf War Veterans may also be eligible for a variety of VA benefits, such as health screenings through the Gulf War Registry, participation in the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, healthcare services, and disability payments for conditions connected to military service. Dependents and survivors of Gulf War Veterans may also be eligible for these benefits.

How Does Rating for Fibromyalgia VA Disability Compare to Chronic Pain VA Disability?

The chronic pain disability rating system and the rating for fibromyalgia VA disability are not directly comparable. The VA rates fibromyalgia under its rating evaluation for musculoskeletal conditions, while chronic pain disability rating is determined based on the impact of the pain on daily functioning. Each condition is assessed based on its unique set of criteria, tailored to properly evaluate its effects on the individual.

Final Note

To summarize, if you are not a Gulf War veteran, you will need to prove a service connection to get disability benefits for Fibromyalgia. In case you were deployed in the Gulf War during the time mentioned in the article, you will not be required to link your condition to your service. Now, when it comes to getting disability benefits, it’s essential to submit a flawless claim to get the highest VA rating possible. The experts at VA Disability Coach can help by reviewing your application and making sure everything checks out for the best outcomes.