Does My VA Disability Increase When I Get Married

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides physically disabled veterans with monthly compensation. These compensation range from $165.92 to $3621.95. But, when the veteran has a dependent such as a spouse, child, or parent, the Department of VA provides extra benefits for the dependent. So, yes, your VA compensation rates increase when you get married.

However, the benefits for the dependents are provided to disabled veterans with a rating of 30% or more. So, veterans with a 10% or 20% VA rating won’t get any additional compensation for their dependents.

How It Works

The official website of the Department of VA has all the information regarding the additional compensation for a veteran’s dependents. For your convenience, we have accumulated the compensation rates for a veteran with and without a spouse in the table below.

Veteran’s Status30% Rating40% Rating50% Rating60% Rating70% Rating80% Rating90% Rating100% Rating
Veterans without a spouse$508.05$731.86$1,041.82$1,319.65$1,804.06$2,094.15$2,353.39$3,823.89
Veterans without a spouse$568.05$811.86$1,141.82$1,440.65$1,917.06$2,223.15$2,498.39$3,985.96

As you can see in the table above, disabled veterans with a spouse get a small increment in their monthly compensation. In addition to these rates, spouses who are eligible for Aid and Attendance benefits, get the following extra compensation.

Dependent’s Status30% Rating40% Rating50% Rating60% Rating70% Rating80% Rating90% Rating100% Rating
Spouse eligible for Aid and Attendance Benefits$56.00$74.00$93.00$111.00$130.00$148.00$167.00$185.21

You can also check out the Department of Veterans Affairs’ official page for more information about the benefits for dependents.


These tables show the extra compensation veterans get when they have a spouse. But, they also get these benefits when they have a parent(s), or child. But most of the time, veterans who are eligible for these benefits don’t even know it themselves that they can avail of these advantages.

That’s why, you should consult the experts available at VA Disability Coach. This group of dedicated people can help you get the maximum benefits from the Department of VA that you are eligible for.