Chloracne Agent Orange – VA Disability Benefits

Chrolance is a skin condition that causes blackheads, brown spots, cysts, and nodules. This condition can be present in veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange.

If you have served in Vietnam, the Korean demilitarized zone, or anywhere else where Agent Orange was used and are now suffering from chloracne, you may be eligible for disability benefits from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. 

In this article, we will dive into chloracne in veterans and the VA benefits for the condition. By the end of this piece, you will be able to understand if you are eligible for disability compensation and how to get them easily. Let’s get started –

Chloracne – Symptoms and Causes

Chloracne was first discovered in 1897 when some German industrial workers started to get an eruption of blackheads, pustules, and cysts on their skin. While it was first thought to be caused by chlorine exposure, it was later discovered that aromatic hydrocarbons can be the cause of this condition. 

This is a skin condition characterized by acne-like lesions or abnormality of the skin on the face, armpits, behind the ears, and ground area. These are the features of chloracne –

  • Whiteheads and blackheads on the skin
  • Cysts and nodules
  • Increased hair growth
  • Blisters on exposed skin
  • Sweaty soles and palms

As mentioned before, chloracne is caused by exposure to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, which are found in things like wood preservatives, insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides. These are the chemical responsible for chloracne –

  • Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs)
  • Polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDFs)
  • Polychlorobiphenyls (PCBc)
  • Chloronaphthalene
  • Trifluoromethyl
  • Pyrazole derivatives
  • Chlorophenol contaminants
  • Chlorobenzene

Chloracne and Agent Orange

As you can see, exposure to herbicides can cause chloracne as it contains halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, there is a clear connection between this condition and Agent Orange.

Agent Orange is a herbicide (a chemical used to destroy vegetation) that was deployed by the US military forces over Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1961 to 1971, among other herbicides. 

If we go into the specifics, Agent Orange contains dioxin, which is a toxic chemical known for being very persistent and can remain in the environment and inside humans for many years. As a result, we can still see Vietnamese people suffering from Agent Orange exposure even though the war was concluded many years ago. 

The connection between Agent Orange and chloracne was concluded in a report published by the Health and Medicine Division in 1994, and therefore, veterans who have suffered from this skin condition now know its origin. 

Chloracne and VA Disability Benefits

If you have served in Vietnam, the Korean demilitarized zone, or anywhere else where Agent Orange was used, and you now have chloracne, you will be eligible for disability benefits from the VA, which will include monthly compensation depending on the symptoms and healthcare benefits.

Unlike other conditions where you have to establish a nexus (link) between your disability and military service, chloracne is a presumptive disease. This means that if you have served during the use of Agent Orange and now have this disorder, the VA will presume that this condition has resulted from the herbicide exposure during your service. 

If a veteran faced exposure to Agent Orange and died of Chloracne, their dependents (children, parents, spouses) can be eligible for survivors’ benefits

Are You Eligible for Disability Benefits for Chloracne?

If you have been diagnosed with chloracne or anything similar and are wondering if you can get disability benefits as a veteran, you need to meet one of the following criteria –

  • You have experienced Agent Orange exposure while serving
  • You served in or near the demilitarized zone at any time between September 1, 1967, and August 31, 1971
  • You served in Vietnam at any time between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975

VA Disability Ratings for Chloracne

You can usually get up to a 30% disability for chloracne; in some rare cases, it can be as high as 80%. Here are the potential ratings you may get assigned for this condition based on its severity –

  • 0% Rating: If your chloracne is only on the surface and has affected one layer of skin, you may not be able to get a disability rating for this condition. However, you will still be able to receive health benefits from the VA.
  • 10% Rating: A 10% rating for chloracne is assigned to those with severe and deep acne-like skin issues and have this condition affecting less than 40% of the skin (face or neck). 
  • 20% Rating: When the severe chloracne spreads to your genital areas, armpits, folds of breasts, and the spaces between your fingers and toes, you may be assigned a 20% disability rating.
  • 30% Rating: A 10% rating is given when your face or neck’s area of less than 40% is affected by chloracne. When the area is 40% or more, you will be able to get a 30% rating.

How to Get Your Disability Benefits for Chloracne

If you haven’t gotten your disability or survivors’ benefits from the VA for chloracne, apply for a claim through the VA’s website, via mail, or even in person by going to your regional VA office. Make sure to build a strong claim, and it’s also advisable to get professional help from experts such as the ones at VA Disability Coach. This will ensure that you get the most out of your disability claim.


Chloracne is a terrible condition that not only causes physical issues but also affects people’s self-confidence. As a result, it’s essential to get the proper medical help through the VA’s health programs. Hopefully, you can now take action after learning more about this disorder and how you can get benefits as a veteran.