Can The VA Automatically Increase My Disability Rating?

The VA doesn’t automatically increase your disability rating. However, if you already have a disability rating on your physical condition, but your condition has somehow worsened, you can apply for a higher rating to increase it. 

Based on your disability rating, you can get monthly payments from $165.92 to $3621.95. These ratings go from 10% to 100%. For instance, if you have a disability rating of 50% but think you deserve a higher rating, you can increase it by following some methods.

Today, we will discuss those methods to prepare you for increasing your deserved compensation.

Increase Your VA Rating

You need to have the following things to get a VA rating or increase the rating that you already have –

  • Authentic medical diagnosis of your physical disability
  • Proof of an event, injury, or accident while you were in service.
  • Proof that your disability is connected to the event, injury, or accident you experienced during service. In this case, a Nexus Letter may be required. (A Nexus Letter is a document prepared by a medical professional that proves that your disability is directly connected to your injury during service.)
  • Proof of your physical condition’s worsening.

If you have all of the documents ready, you can go to, log into your account, and apply for a rating increase.

Careful Before Filing for an Increase

When you already have a disability rating in effect, the VA can review your file at any time. But, they don’t usually do that unless you want a reexamination. So, when you apply for an increase, you open up your file for the VA’s review.

In this case, if the VA doesn’t see any eligible reasons for your rating increase claims, then your rating won’t change. However, if the VA’s evaluation somehow gets proof that your physical condition is better than before, then they might decrease your current disability rating. So, only apply for an increase if you are truly eligible for it.


To prepare a proper and acceptable file for increasing your VA rating, consider seeking help from the professionals at VA Disability Coach. VA Disability Coach is determined and committed to getting you the VA rating that you deserve.