Bruxism VA Rating

Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is a condition that many veterans suffer from. And if you are one of them, you may be eligible for disability benefits.

This condition can also be related to other service-connected disorders, especially PTSD. In that case, bruxism will be considered secondary to PTSD while getting a VA rating. 

In this article, we will discuss the disability ratings provided by the US Department of Veterans Affairs for bruxism. But before that, let’s learn more about this condition –

Understanding Bruxism

Bruxism is a repetitive movement disorder where someone knowingly or unknowingly keeps grinding or gnashing their teeth. This condition can affect people during both waking hours and sleep and often leads to negative impacts on oral health. 

Symptoms of Bruxism

  • Loud teeth grinding
  • Loose, fractured, or worn teeth
  • Tightened or locked jaw
  • Tenderness or discomfort
  • Headaches

Potential Causes of Bruxism

  • Frustration
  • Stress
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Repressed aggression

Eligibility for VA Disability Benefits for Bruxism

For getting disability benefits from the VA, there are specific criteria for nearly every disorder, including bruxism. Most importantly, your condition must have a service connection, meaning

  • Your bruxism has been linked to your time in the service by a medical professional, stating that your service has caused or worsened the condition or
  • Your bruxism is a secondary condition that has been caused or worsened by a primary service-connected disorder such as PTSD or sleep apnea. 

Then, the condition needs to be severe enough to meet the rating criteria set forth by the VA. Otherwise, you may just get the health benefits but not be eligible for monthly compensation from the VA.

VA Disability Rating for Bruxism

Bruxism falls under the VA Schedule of Ratings for Dental and Oral Conditions. It is rated based on the severity of the condition and its symptoms. 

While Bruxism does not have a specific diagnostic code in the VA Schedule of Ratings, it is rated under diagnostic codes 9905 or 9913. For example, if bruxism leads to symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ), such as jaw popping/clicking, and difficulty in chewing, the VA will rate the condition under TMJ.

In other instances where bruxism has resulted in teeth loss, the VA will rate the condition on the ratings available for tooth loss. Here are the ratings for bruxism –

Bruxism Ratings under TMJ

  • 10% Rating: TMJ symptoms with an interincisal range opening of 30 to 34mm without dietary constraints or a lateral excursion range of 0 to 4mm, you should see a dentist.
  • 20% Rating: TMJ symptoms with an interincisal range opening of 21 to 29mm without food constraints or 30 to 34mm with dietary restrictions.
  • 30% Rating: TMJ symptoms with an interincisal range opening of 21 to 34mm with food constraints or 11 to 20mm without dietary restrictions.
  • 40% Rating: TMJ symptoms with an interincisal range opening of 11 to 29mm with food constraints or 0 to 10mm without dietary restrictions.
  • 50% Rating: TMJ symptoms with a 0 to 10mm interincisal range opening and dietary limitations.

Bruxism Ratings under Teeth Loss

  • 10% Rating: A veteran may be entitled to a 10% disability rating if they have lost all upper and lower teeth on one side. This grade recognizes the considerable impact that partial tooth loss can have on a veteran’s oral health.
  • 20% Rating: When a veteran has lost all upper and lower anterior or posterior teeth, he or she is often granted a 20% disability rating. This ranking takes into account more severe tooth loss and its impact on chewing and general dental function.
  • 30% Rating: If a veteran has lost all of their upper or lower teeth, they may be eligible for a 30% disability rating. A person’s ability to eat, talk, and maintain basic oral hygiene is substantially hampered by complete tooth loss.
  • 40% Rating: When a veteran has lost all of his or her teeth, the greatest grade for tooth loss is 40%. This grade recognizes the significant impact that total tooth loss has on a veteran’s everyday life, including their ability to eat and speak properly.


If you are ready to apply for a disability claim for bruxism, the experts at VA Disability Coach can help you ensure you get the best possible rating. Having a proper claim can help you get your rating easily without misjudgment from the VA. Make sure to gather all of your evidence pieces, including medical records as well as military documents.